Community Health Nurse

Reanetta Caffey, Community Health Nurse

Professional Education and Training Opportunities

  • Certify school nurses and conduct mandated health screenings

  • Provide school nurses with professional continued education related to school health

  • Inform schools and communities of school health resources, available trainings, and grant opportunities

  • Promote research-based, best practice comprehensive health education curriculum toschool nurses and school staff

  • Provide presentations for students, staff and community members regarding health, tobacco, obesity prevention, injury prevention and related health issues

  • Assist in grant seeking for health and community projects

  • Provide information about health care resources

  • Provide continuing education aimed at health and physical education teachers

  • Provide CPR/First Aid & Stop the Bleed courses to staff & students

Technical Assistance Provided to Schools

  • Adopt tobacco-free policies and implement best practices for tobacco prevention and cessation

  • Adopt policies promoting and implementing best practices for nutrition and physicalactivity

  • Coordinated School Health and emerging public health issues

  • Strengthen school wellness committees and fulfill state and federal mandates

  • Inform communities of school health issues and current public health policy

  • Provide information & assistance to schools & communities related to COVID-19

Helpful Links and Resources